まだ最終マスタリング前の段階の音を聴いているが、この『音』はとても過激な作品だ。それは、強烈なリズムや世界を切り裂くような轟音のギターが入っ перевод - まだ最終マスタリング前の段階の音を聴いているが、この『音』はとても過激な作品だ。それは、強烈なリズムや世界を切り裂くような轟音のギターが入っ английский как сказать



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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Still the final mastering.The previousStageListening to the sound, butThis sound is veryIt was a radical work.It isA strong rhythm andIt is not because there guitar ROAR Pierce through the world.You know SUGIZO fans if his various different social activities. Question to time activities and social conflict, anger, and hope is one of the pillars of SUGIZO's musical inspiration and creativity. These emotions, my interest in old and new world music and adventure challenge there is another pillar, has supported the creation of his. It is still not "sound".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Still the final mastering
prior to the
, but listening to the sound,
this "sound" is very
's radical work.
It is,
intense rhythm and
not because that contains the roar of guitar, such as cut through the world.

If SUGIZO of the fan, you know the various social activities across his range. And that from time to time of activities, doubts and anger of the society to the conflict, and hope, it is one of the pillars of inspiration and creative motivation of the musical activities of SUGIZO. The movement of these feelings, feelings of adventure to challenge there with interest in the new and old world music has supported his creation become another pillar. It does not change even in this "sound".
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Mastering the final yetIn front ofStageI listen to the soundThis "sound" is a veryExtreme.ItA strong rhythm andThe roar of the guitar is not as cut into the world.If you are a fan of SUGIZO, his various social activities will you know. At that time, the social contradictions and question, anger, and hope that one of the creative motivation and Inspiration of music for the SUGIZO column. These emotions, in support of his adventures to the creation of new and old world music challenge and there is another column. No change in the "sound" in it.
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