■今、お互いのケミストリーが■とてもいい状態で得られている──RYUICHIさん用に温存してあった、と。SUGIZO:漠然とですけどね。そし перевод - ■今、お互いのケミストリーが■とてもいい状態で得られている──RYUICHIさん用に温存してあった、と。SUGIZO:漠然とですけどね。そし английский как сказать














SUGIZO:そうですね。僕から示すベーシックなラインがありながら、そこを各メンバーが各自の色でカスタマイズしてもらえばいいし、それがとてもLUNA SEA的だな、と思っています。






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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
♦ now have very good chemistry with each other's♦ is obtained in very good condition─ ─ and was rested for the RYUICHI's.SUGIZO: vague though. And it seems that this time, finally, we've got time. Then sure enough, he was singing provisional "this song is absolute RYU should sing a song" said convinced all over again. I was still in his voice very well, RYU for the melody or lines? I turned and now. And not leaving the best part of his voice expresses the hope.─ ─ which are particularly suitable for RYUICHI's do?SUGIZO: I think, but I'm not sure, in so-called pop side of me, his singing style and line, his existence is very wide, reflecting. It is natural if it thinks. From when I was a 20-year-old with wide, from the most intimate singer. Standards of good songs, good melodies, good voice but RYUICHI is. I'm no other singer quite reaches that standard, I cannot be satisfied. So I always "no, it's cannot represent the people Jaco songs" I had been runnable.─ ─ readopted by other members had, even those involved melody-making as a vocalist RYUICHI's and I think that this scent?SUGIZO: certainly that too, and there are many in recent years by the author basically write down melodies that often. From the melody for me though it is. Besides, Ryu RYU in solo and Tourbillon, and written countless melodies always so exhausted and so...─ ─ came in succession especially timing of two projects this year, so was I.SUGIZO: you can breathe fresh energy someone else write a melody and he is another of the characteristics of their own, not as a singer sings him down for the band and, as the singer for his "vocabulary" to increase it. I'm sure be nice in every aspect. Can be arranged that I speak, and vice versa, he wrote the song in recent years but still is doing exactly that, and I just got. So is a sense of now as a band in each other's chemistry is very good condition has been obtained, I guess.─ ─ of musical Corps members in the first original person, or doing a show of songs from SUGIZO's at this time if the phrase ideas incorporating their proposals, flexible approach and hear this song did?SUGIZO: Yes. I'm basically everyone is another top player. I'm joked that because you don't deserve it (lol).─ ─ It is firm relationship of mutual trust.SUGIZO: that's right. It's really a LUNA SEA, and basic line from me, while there each Member in their own colors customize if you have good and hope.─ ─ and this string is spectacular in sacred colors are given, but this image was born at what stage do?SUGIZO: from the prototype of this song was born. I was able string arrangements from time to time. Direction of pizzicato in the nucleus, that was made. Passing Fujiwara (ikurou), I made arrangements to have falling for Symphony Orchestra, customize. So did not arrange this time is divided into sections. In other words, without filter 1st violin, 2nd violin, Viola, cello, combat, that had been arranged me a chunk of one of the strings section, so that with the help of Dan or separately for each part, or customize it. In addition, recording (led), was responsible for "shake a stick, that is.─ ─, SUGIZO-San himself over what stance he guitar approach of us conscious guitar strings to support such arrangements do?SUGIZO: we either think of consciousness as a composer and as a player too much... "not" I. Played backing guitar minutes. WIF is almost not hear it is (laughs).─ ─ is certainly on SUGIZO's presence comes to the front until it stands quite INORAN, guitar and strings.SUGIZO: Oh Yes. This song again, INORAN guitar by. Has played with me but I still heard almost no is responsible from the back vaguely voicing support. Moreover, with the clean tones. Said either throughout the entire plucking INORAN on guitar is important. With me once in a while playing a kinky phrase (lol), the guitar solo sounds. That play a role in part come pouring in like a roaring world changed completely from the Grand and beautiful world where the guitar solo in this song most violent section, so, like, summon, it is.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
■ now, you each other the chemistry of physicians
■ very good state in the obtained are

──RYUICHI 's for the preservation I had been to , and .

SUGIZO vagueness: But it is and . And this time, the timing is in Tour came me , that feeling is same . Draft of constant, he to provisional song the song got me when from , " this song is absolutely RYU is song Ubeki song " that it breaks Umate conviction was . Again he of the voice really the case cormorants , RYU wonder if it was the melody and the line there for ? If now it is to think you have . He of the voice of the most a good place over to a place without representation Do is made , and think you have Tsu .

── What part is especially in RYUICHI Will was deserved the first to give ?

SUGIZO : clear the minute I'm not from , after all , my so-called pop of the surface in , he of song styles and line , he of existence is that very large listen influence and are think is yeah . Remarks If Etemire of course but it is . 20 -year-old from the time of the together in large has become hear , most near because it is correct singer . Good song, a good melody , good voice of the criteria is still RYUICHI is what . Its quite standard to reach singer to the other to not to , I have satisfaction I can not . So , I always " useless , this person 's this song a representation can not be " I pull Tsu included had gotten Me .

── original song is another even of members , RYUICHI san to melody making as vocalist involved and was also Nasaru think I intends , this time Did How about ?

SUGIZO : It is true also that kind of thing often to you , in recent years the original author is basically to a melody written it-tech multi- Ides . I of the case is also possible from the melody multi It is not . And , RYU is RYU Shi is also solo in the Tourbillon there is also , always to the myriad of melody writing Iteite , very exhausted and have think Unode ...... .

── this year is special to both of project activity time is heavy because I had , very I think it was likely .

SUGIZO : another of human beings is a melody written transfected he is another of fresh the energy absorption It can Ukoto , their of property in things not as a singer he is song have included the son-in-law , to good for the band , he as a singer " vocabulary " to increase good for Yasu . Every surface and nice effect when there is a think is yeah . The reverse is also saying Ete , he is writing had songs to me also to arrange multi recent years stone , now even though exactly what I'm such a place you're doing it . So now, as a band , each other the chemistry of physicians very good state in the obtained Do not have been , that sense , I guess I . ── Musical Corps of members of all the Mr. , first in the original song's, this time if it is SUGIZO from Mr. song of the direction of the show was , the phrase of the idea their own in the draft the acquisition Ri input is , flexible that advance because side and have yourself a listen , but you can , this song or was true also ? SUGIZO : Yes . Basically in all the other first-class it because it is in the player . I shall find the Tertiary Level cormorant's Oh Sujiai because it does not Iha (laughs). ── you each other Ino trust relationship but it is because there firmly . SUGIZO : That's right . I from the shows while there is to basic line , there each member has their own of color to do it gives me a customized , it is very LUNA SEA basis Do it , and think we Tsu . ── Also , this time the string is magnificent and sacred of Aya remote given but we example , this image is what stage in life did you have or are ? SUGIZO : This song of the prototype is raw Mareta stage it is from . Another the time had been able to string arrangement from . Pizzicato is the nucleus become , that direction was able to be . I can arrange create what was Tsu Fujiwara ( Ikuro ) to Mr. pass to , to customize orchestra for the drop and is included in the room rate we got Nde . This is , for each section minute so did not arrange was Ke . In other words , 1St violin , 2Nd Violin , viola , cello , Konbasu , that vibration Ri minute Keosezu , that strings section one one of the mass as I since has fallen to arrange , it Fujiwara 's force the borrowing by Ri each Part minute or asked to Ke , where or ask them to customize . Pressurized forte , in the recording ( Conductor ) bar the vibration that , that the role of the responsible got me , that form is . ── the strings supporting the guitar arrangements, such as obtaining consciousness but seems to have yourself , SUGIZO coral itself is what did you make yourself a guitar approach in stance ? SUGIZO : This is a rather composer of as consciousness more is strong and rather , much as a player "... not " I think I do . Backing guitar bullet and have recorded I was Tsu but , almost hear I do not not exceed (laughs). ── Certainly , in the guitar solo SUGIZO 's presence is front to out to come but , until it INORAN pretty guitar and strings's eye standing You've Tsu . SUGIZO : Oh yeah . This song anymore , INORAN guitar is very important in . I is the code work bullet still most I have had listening to is not exceeded , the rear of the furnace shell vaguely voicing supporting Eteiru role is . Moreover , a clean tone . If anything the whole volume of the passage to INORAN of nail bombs rather than guitar is important is . I occasionally Kinky phrase the bullet Iteiru of the (laughs), it is a guitar solo . The guitar solo part is this song at the top is also intense since the correct section , magnificent and beautiful a view of the world from completely changed and , shaking Ri grain of so , roar , as if the world avalanche to write with no part role the fruit plus , it is that .

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